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IMC Releases White Paper Detailing Retail Buyer Perspectives During COVID-19

ATLANTA/HIGH POINT/LAS VEGAS – (May 26, 2020) – A new survey of the gift, home furnishings and apparel industries commissioned by International Market Centers (IMC) reveals that, while the COVID-19 crisis has significantly impacted all retail sales across the United States, store owners and operators are looking toward re-opening and recovery and expressing a near-term need for new product. Survey respondents also reported an intention to source product at physical markets provided reasonable safety protocols are implemented and indicated that digital tools will likely play an important role as a complement to in-person markets during the recovery period. An executive summary is available online at

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Week One of IMC’s High Point Virtual Market Experience Draws Robust Audience

HIGH POINT, N.C. – (May 18, 2020) – The first week of International Market Centers’ (IMC) High Point Virtual Market Experience offered content and community for the industry – with hundreds of participants logging-into six webinars and thousands of visitors sourcing and discovering products and a digital audience generating funds for City of Hope. Week two offerings, which start today on, include a Virtual Showhouse debut, another eight information-rich webinars and continued product discovery and online sourcing through IMC’s Catalog Connexion.

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IMC Updates Summer Gift and Home Market Plans Following Survey

ATLANTA/LAS VEGAS – (May 15, 2020) – Following a comprehensive survey of its universe of gift and home furnishings buyers and suppliers, International Market Centers (IMC) announced today updates to its summer 2020 markets in Atlanta and Las Vegas. IMC is postponing both markets until August, with Atlanta Market now running August 13 – 18 and Las Vegas Market running August 30 – September 3.

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IMC Updates Atlanta Apparel Market Plans Following Survey

ATLANTA – (May 15, 2020) – Following a comprehensive survey of apparel industry buyers and suppliers, International Market Centers (IMC) announced today that Atlanta Apparel will resume its market calendar with all markets confirmed as scheduled beginning with the June Atlanta Apparel Market, June 10-13, 2020, at AmericasMart® Atlanta. IMC also announced format changes for its June and August Atlanta Apparel Markets and plans to move educational programming and trend presentations online for upcoming markets.

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IMC Announces Schedule for High Point Virtual Market Experience

HIGH POINT, N.C. – (May 5, 2020) – International Market Centers (IMC) announced today an exclusive lineup of seminars and events and new product discovery opportunities for its “IMC High Point Virtual Market,” a three-week-long digital event running from May 11 through May 29 on IMC’s High Point Market website. Presented as webinars, the topics feature the trend forecasting and design inspiration which are hallmarks of IMC’s High Point Market programming plus timely information for planning for recovery after the COVID-19 crisis. The online event also will feature product discovery – including the debut of a new Catalog Connexion sourcing tool powered by IMC_di, IMC’s digital innovations division.

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IMC Market Websites Launch New Digital Content

ATLANTA/HIGH POINT, N.C./LAS VEGAS – April 27, 2020 – In a time of business disruptions due to the COVID-19 crisis, International Market Centers (IMC) is launching new online resource centers through its Atlanta, Las Vegas, and High Point Market websites. Through these new portals, buyers and exhibitors can continue to engage with each other, stay up-to-date on key trends and industry news, and access webinars and other rich content until physical markets are staged again. “The sense of community is a key element of our markets and marketplaces,” said Dorothy Belshaw, IMC chief marketing and digital officer. “While currently we cannot gather in person, IMC is helping to fill that void by presenting relevant content and a creating a community that will keep our exhibitors and attendees connected during this difficult time.”

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IMC Launches New Digital Experience to Support Its High Point Market Customers

HIGH POINT, N.C. – (April 24, 2020) – Following High Point Market Authority’s cancelation of the Spring 2020 High Point Market, International Market Centers (IMC) has announced the launch of “IMC High Point Virtual Market,” a three-week-long online experience that will feature product discovery and digital connections. These offerings, which include the debut of a new Catalog Connexion sourcing tool, as well as a series of pop-up virtual market events, will run on IMC’s High Point Market website from May 11 through May 29.

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IMC Buyer Survey to Reveal State of the Industry During the COVID-19 Crisis

ATLANTA/HIGH POINT, N.C./LAS VEGAS – April 21, 2020 – International Market Centers (IMC) today announced a survey of 200,000+ home furnishings, gift and apparel buyers that will result in a real-time representation of the state of the industry during the COVID-19 crisis. As part of ongoing support of the retail, design and wholesale communities as they work toward recovery, IMC has committed to making the results available to the industry as a benchmarking and planning tool in addition to using the results to inform its own summer and fall market planning.

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IMC_di Announces Next Wave of New Hires

CHANTILLY, VA, (April 15, 2020) –IMC_di, the new digital innovation division of International Market Centers (IMC), announces its second wave of new hires, with the addition of another nearly 20 new staff for sales, development, implementation, marketing and customer success.

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